
Our Background

In 2009, we were established as a private firm that primarily focuses on providing asset and wealth management to only one multigenerational family and their international businesses. However, since then, we have grown to manage multiple clients of significant wealth, whether individuals or families. Currently, we operate all across Europe, the Far East, South America, Africa, and beyond.

Our specialized services were explicitly created to ensure the longevity of wealth so our client's succeeding generations and those yet unborn can enjoy financial freedom. This is why our investments are forward-looking and focused on promising technology companies that drive innovation.

Our investment philosophy is born of discipline. At Jensen Family Office, we understand that investments can be unpredictable, especially in the face of market volatility and fast-paced advancements happening in the world.

Everyone wants to get the next best thing. Still, we do not rush head-in into impulsive decisions; instead, we implement strategies to guide our investments and stick with them. We do so thorough meticulous risk assessments to ensure we allocate assets properly.
For years, our clients have trusted us for portfolio management, asset structuring, succession and estate planning, tax management, strategic consulting, administrative services such as personnel and lifestyle management, and concierge services.

Jensen Family Office was built with an unwavering commitment to serve our clients with objectivity and proactiveness. We invest in you as much as you invest in us by taking note of your specific values system, beliefs, and goals and tailoring our advice and solutions to meet your lifestyle. By doing this, we show that you are our family and our family is always treated right.


Our Mission

For Jensen Family Office, our primary mission is to help our clients effectively grow and transfer their wealth across generations through strategic investment planning and professional wealth management.

Here are the concrete ways we achieve this:


Smart Future-Proof Investments

At the very least, we know you want to grow your wealth, and a way to ensure that you leave the next generation with more than enough is through investments. We primarily invest in technology companies, especially those making breakthroughs.


Intelligent Asset Management

Because we work with the ultra-wealthy, we expect them to have a lot of assets scattered around the world, and the management and coordination of these assets can be a hassle. But to ensure your wealth doesn't suffer for its own size, we help you take care of everything from estate plans to billing cycles. We do this so you can have more time on your hands to focus on what matters the most — family.


We Manage Successions

Your family is your legacy, but when it comes to succession, things can get tricky, and if care is not taken, your wealth can suffer. However, because we make it our business to understand all there is to know about your family value and intricacies, we will be in a perfect position to carry out your wishes and guide your family through the succession process so the next generation can take the wheel.


We Prepare the Next Generation to Manage Wealth

We prepare the next generation for the responsibilities of wealth by providing them with tools such as understanding how an investment works, risk management, portfolio building, and business management. By doing this, we foster a client/advisor familial relationship with them that will last throughout their lives.


Our Team

Jensen Family Office provides top-of-the-line wealth and asset management services. However, we would not be able to serve you, our client, without our stellar team working tirelessly behind the scene. They are our family, our backbone, and our greatest asset.

At Jensen Family Office, we curate the best professionals you can trust to manage your wealth for generations. Each person that joins the Jensen Family Office team is picked based on their qualifications, skills, overall competence, and value they can add to our team. We ensure they are world-class experts in finance, economics, technology, administration, real estate, and law.

Our team includes several highly experienced investment managers, as well as consultants and strategic advisors who specialize in multi-generational wealth management. Each of them is very passionate about assisting high-net-worth individuals and families achieve their financial goals through investment strategy and oversight, portfolio management, and asset structuring.


It provides solutions and recommendations for accounting, tax management, and legal matters through a well-cultivated list of consultants. Additionally, every member of our team understands what family means to our business and to you, which is why we ensure all our practices are in line with your family values. They do this by engaging with you on a personal and professional level to build a deep understanding of who you are, what you are, and what you stand for. Armed with this understanding, our team leverages their superior knowledge of finance and innovative investments to achieve desired outcomes.

Our Values

Our lifeblood at Jensen Family Office is family. Thus, we have values that we hold close to our hearts and do not compromise for anything. For us, it's all about delivering only the best, tailored services for our clients in an atmosphere of innovation, transparency, collaboration, discretion, and excellence.


We are a forward-thinking company, always looking for new, advanced, and out-of-the-box ways to serve you better. This is why we focus primarily on investments that drive innovation, particularly in technology. We are disruptors and will continue pushing boundaries and bringing new ideas that help our clients.


At Jensen Family Office, we attach immense importance to delivering exceptional benefits to our clients—it is excellence or nothing else. Whether it is tax management, legal consultations, administrative services, or strategic planning, we make sure we give only the best.


Each client has a distinct story and no two families are alike. We have delivered results for two dozen families by closely working with each client, recognizing their goals, and providing custom solutions. We don’t need to carry you along, we’ll walk hand in hand towards your dreams.


We ensure that all our client's information and dealings are kept confidential and need-to-know. We are fully aware that we deal with high-profile individuals and families, so we will do everything in our power to protect their privacy.


At Jensen Family Office, we champion transparency and communication in all our processes and operations. We are an open book and involve our clients as much as they would like to be involved in our strategies and decision-making.